Once upon a time, my website had a blog component. I used it to not only showcase my orders, but to give really important details about what to consider when ordering your wedding cake. Budget tips, new trends, floral considerations. All the things.
Well life got in the way, and sadly, the blog died. If you have read my "About" page, you know that we are a long time homeschooling family, and that takes up a lot of time. In my spare time (what's that?), I like to research curriculum, grade papers, and clean up science experiments that were left out. I also teach five baking, science, and cooking classes at our homeschool co-op once a week and help lead a couple units of girls at an American Heritage Girls troop. I have loved the busy-ness of growing these little humans, but that baby who I jokingly blame for starting this business? She's a teenager now and sometimes goes on deliveries with me! The toddler I had way back then? A middle schooler! They're old enough now, that I'm not needed as much, and I can devote time once again to keeping up with a regular posting schedule. Well, semi-regular...I still have a stack of papers to grade and there's some icing in the mixer. ;) I hope you find the information I post helpful as you plan your wedding cake or dessert table for your big day. If you have any questions, you can always reach out, and I will be happy to help!
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